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Was the Sabbath cycle lost?
The Sabbath has no bearing on the natural aspects of the earth moving around the sun (year), or the earth moving around its axis (24 hours or day). The weekly cycle has only one explanation namely Creation Week. You are asking whether the Sabbath of the creation week is still the Saturday of today! Let us look at some Bible examples to clarify this. With the Exodus out of Egypt, God gave the Israelites manna each day, enough for that particular day. They were not to overstock on this manna. Yet, on Fridays, He provided them with more so that they could collect enough to last also on the Sabbath since He was not providing anything for them on the Sabbath. From this period onward, documentation became very accurate and we know that this cycle could not be lost. Jesus arrived on Earth, and one wouldn’t expect that the Creator of everything would be mistaken about His day … Sabbath. Luke 6:5 “And He said to them, “The Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.†Other people then came and said the almanac changed, and it is true, but only true to a certain extent: The Julian calendar was changed to the Gregorian calendar, but days did not change. Only dates changed … numbers and the weekly cycle remained untouched until today.