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Is the Sabbath and sealing related?
Read with care Ezekiel 8 and 9. In chapter 8 you will notice the abominations done by God's people. It becomes increasingly more severe to the extent of the 25 elders with their backs to the temple looking to the East worshiping the sun. In chapter 9 we see the people who had no participation in what we noticed in chapter 8 is marked as being the Lord's people, and the ones not marked are slain. This seems to be a clear indication that those who had not worshipped the sun the Lord claimed as His own while the sun worshippers were slain. History proves that any adherence to Sunday worship is the modern equivalent of Sun worship despite most people being in faith that they are following the Creator. The Creator is worshiped on His day, Saturday, the Sabbath of the Bible. In Genesis, you had to choose a tree close to each other to confirm your allegiance. At the end of the earth’s history, we will have to choose between two days next to each other. The one will acknowledge that you serve the Creator God and the other that you follow a man and his decisions. Revelation confirms a time in the end that you will only be able to buy and sell if you have the mark of the beast: Rev. 13:16 “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.†We already know without any doubt that the beast represents the Papal power. It confirms that its ecclesiastical power lies in the ability to change Saturday to Sunday. It will use America and the State to proclaim Sunday as a universal day of rest for man and beast. Then only does it become a mark if you adhere to that. This will soon be followed by persecution as it had been in the Middle Ages! The only question would be: Who will you follow: Jesus on His Sabbath Day, or allow the beast to dictate your Sabbath to be Sunday only? This choice becomes the mark in your life … who sits on the throne of your life? When we are so settled into the truth intellectually and spiritually that we cannot move, then God will seal us with His mark, and adherence to the Sabbath doctrine may be external evidence of total commitment to Christ and His work! Pray that the Holy Spirit may finally explain this to you.