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Is the persecution or enforcement of taking the vax, making an image to the beast or not?
No, that is not the image to the beast. In brief, the image to the beast is when the land beast of Rev. 13:11-18 [Protestant America] sets up a similar form of government (an ‘image) to that of the [sea] beast of Rev. 13:1-10, by combining church and state. An image is a replica of something (see 2 Cor. 4:4). Thus America will replicate the government that the Papacy has always championed: the union of church and state. History attests that whenever that happens persecution follows. So according to prophecy, America will in future give up its principles of republicanism (a government for the people by the people) and become restrictive, controlling and persecuting. Current restrictive vaccination laws may lead up to this type of control, but cannot biblically be defined as the image to the beast.