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Please explain in simple terms the number 666
This question does not actually have a very simple answer. It is multi faceted and really needs more comprehensive study. Having said that we will concentrate on the part that this question wishes to have answered. One of the official titles of the papacy is Vicarius Filii Dei or Vicar of the Son of God. If it’s a Roman power, then it would seem that you would need to use Roman numerals to discover its meaning. Roman numerals give you numerical calculations for letters. In Roman numerals you have the value for each letter of the name as shown here: v=5; i=1; c=100; a=0; r=0; i=1; u=5; s=0 (112) f=0; i=1; L=50; i=1; i=1 (53) d=500; e=0; i=1 (501) If you add 112 + 53 + 501 - that adds up exactly to 666. Let’s review, this power that would grow out of Rome would first get its authority from pagan Rome—the papacy did. Secondly, it would be a worldwide power of worship. The Roman church is. Third, its leaders would claim equality with God and the ability to forgive sin. The Roman churches and priests and prelates do exactly that. Fourth, at times the church would persecute. History records that’s exactly what they did. Fifth, it would be a power that would reign for 1260 years, then receive a deadly wound. Then the wound would be healed. Again, this prophecy has been fulfilled. Sixth, its most exalted title would be 6-6-6. As you can see in our summary - it is a number of characteristics and factors together that completes the picture. The number 666 is just one of those.