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What is the significance of "40" in the Bible?
Surprisingly, a time period of 40 (days, weeks, years) is significant. Each period of 40 units is related to testing, probation, or being tried. Also, notice each period ends with an incident or item of blessing. In the Bible, 40 is seen as the age of a new generation. In the wilderness, they had to spy the land for 40 days, but as their report denied God's influence, he allowed them to wander the desert for 40 years so that the whole generation of unbelievers died off! Num. 14:34 “According to the number of the days in which you spied out the land, forty days, for each day you shall bear your guilt one year, namely forty years, and you shall know My rejection.†Noah preached for 120 years as he was building the ark, which means he preached for the equivalent of the later 3 generations. In the pre-flood era, they had not been exposed to animal proteins that resulted in them having lived to almost 1000 years. Therefore, forty arrives with testing, crisis, judgment, probation. Israel failed God in the Wilderness. There was, however, the success of the true Israelite, Jesus Christ, and how He succeeded in the wilderness where historic Israel failed. They wandered for 40 years and He was in the wilderness for 40 days. He also remained on earth for forty days after His crucifixion until he was taken to heaven. This being a time period in which He divulged all His information again to the new church like the people he explained everything on the way in Luke. In view of this, it could be deducted that if you have had forty years you will either be wise or a fool depending on how you used your time! Character is formed by that time as habits adhered to will become permanent circuits in your brain!